Thursday, May 1, 2014

Around here....

I feel like I have lost my way this last week...missed some of my regular blogging....trying to keep up with the days flying past.....

The school holidays finished...week one of term is nearly done......there have already been conversations about the end of the year and what it may bring.....
and tonight, news of sudden sadness that brings you right back to the moment.......

So days I feel like we are just holding on for the ride.....barely stopping to savour the moment....

If not for the snapping of the ordinary in our days i would struggle to remember what the days held....

So here's to the ordinary captured for the purpose of making the blur seem clearer.


  1. I hear you ... the days fly past I a blur.

  2. Well put. I wondered why I took so many pics... You've summed it up so nicely. So sorry to hear of sudden sadness.

  3. Very well said and thank you for the example even during difficult times whether good or bad xx

  4. Oh yes - I think so many of us can relate... holding on tight as it feels like I might fall off with the speed of things! Hope things settle a bit soon xx

  5. Sorry to hear of a sudden sadness. But loving your pics. A fleeting moment captured. Time is fast. So fast.


Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi....I love having your support. I will do my best to pop back to you and say hi. xx


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